Q3 2024 Income Analytics T200 Reports


Income Analytics is pleased to release its latest T200 reports. Our T200 series quantifies the default risk across the top 200 standard industry classifications (SICs) for the UK, Western Europe and North America. Individual companies are given a score, reflecting their default risk, with a higher score indicating a lower probability of failure or default.

We've often focused on the risk that tenant default poses to investor income streams however our analysis also helps highlight the durability of the revenue that commercial real estate delivers. For instance, the maligned office sector scores between 82-85 out of 100 for tenant risk and is above average in all regions. The living and healthcare sectors, core focus for a lot of recent investment activity, score very well. While the retail sector scores lower, its scores are stable and have improved over the last year.

For more detail, click here to download the latest reports.