Income Analytics releases industry market averages to the platform


We are pleased to announce the product release of our Top 200 Industry and Property Sector Averages. This is the result of months of analysis by our research team, bringing this data to life for the first time.


The INCANS® Top 200 Averages have been developed by Income Analytics using company level data provided by Dun & Bradstreet. They calculate the % probability of tenant default for the top 200 companies in each of the 83 x SIC 2 industry code types across a particular country or geographic region. By grouping companies together by their business activity, we have been able to construct industry and sector average risk scores that clients can use to measure their tenant, asset or portfolio against the wider market.


This went live across the platform on 7th March 2022. From here you can begin to drill down into specific sectors and industry groups.

How are different investors using Market Averages?

If you would like further information or to run through with a member of our team, please get in touch with us at