Income Analytics Launches Income Risk Reports “T200”


April 27th 2023, London. The Income Analytics (INCANS) UK T200 report shows hospitality sector tenants are less likely to default than 12 months ago. The sector is not out of danger, with average rates still below the UK all sector average, but there is clear improvement. Pubs & restaurants recorded the largest positive change across all sectors.

Retail sector tenants remain at risk, and with the current cost of living crisis and its hit on discretionary spending means this is not likely to turn around any time soon. Matthew Richardson, CEO and Co-Founder of Income Analytics remarked “it might surprise many real estate investors that logistics is shown below the UK average given this has been a capital market darling, but the contract business and low margins of the sector means it has some of the largest historic business failure rates.” At the top end, education and healthcare tenants are those unlikely to be allowed to go into default through government support so are the most stable sectors.

Matthew commented “at a time of limited liquidity in the capital markets, identifying tenants at risk quickly is vital for survival. Revenue from tenants services interest payments as well as the costs of portfolio management. The T200 series helps highlight specific sectors at risk.” 

The INCANS® T200 series of reports have been developed by Income Analytics using company level data provided by Dun & Bradstreet. The figures are calculated at the end of each quarter by generating an average % probability of failure for the top 200 companies in each of the 83 SIC 2 industry code type. Income Analytics provides reports for the UK, Western Europe and North America.

Download the reports here:

United Kingdom

Western Europe

North America